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Real Hide IP v4.1.4.2 + Crack

14 Sep

Real Hide IP is a privacy software which allows you to conceal your IP address, choose IP country and surf anonymously. It can protect your privacy, prevent identity theft, and guard against hacker intrusions, all with the click of a button. Using it, you can conceal your identity online by showing these websites a fake IP which you can choose from different countries in Choose IP Country window, blocking hackers and prying eyes from knowing your true location or identity. You can easily change between fake IP and real IP. When you stop running Real Hide IP, your web browser settings will revert back to normal (without the fake IP). Real Hide IP automatically configures your web browser to use our proxy server. You can automatically change your IP address every few minutes or hide your IP address when you start your computer. Real Hide IP works with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and is compatible with all types of routers, firewalls, home networks, wireless networks, and any other kind of Internet connection.

Key Features:
• Easily Conceal Your IP Address
• Anonymous Web Surfing
• Advanced Application Support
• Protect Your Identity and Stop Hackers
• Un-ban Yourself From Forums, Blogs, Etc…
• Prevent websites from tracking your online activities
• Quickly delete all Internet Explorer and FireFox cookies
• Automatically clear your cookies each time your IP changes

Click Here To Download


Most Useful YouTube Keyboard shortcuts

14 Sep
You might be spent many hours in week on youtube for watching videos, tutorials etc, you can make easier your whole youtube experience, if you know some YouTube keyboard shortcuts.

So Here I am sharing some Most Useful YouTube Keyboard shortcuts:-

Skip/Jump to Video Part:- Using numbers(0-9, not from numeric pad) you can skip videos at 10%, like click 2 for skip 20% of video parts and by clicking 0 you can restart video.

Play/ Pause Video :- Space Bar

Switch to full screen:- F

Exit full screen:- Esc

Go Backward to 5 seconds :- Left arrow

Go Forward to 5 Seconds :- Right arrow

[Also Check:- Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts for Mozilla and Chrome Browser]

Go Backward to 10 seconds :- Ctrl+Left arrow

Go Forward to 10 Seconds :- Ctrl+Right arrow

Increase Volume:- Up Arrow

Decrease Volume:- Down Arrow

You can also use these features with TAB key + Space/Enter.

If your internet connection is slow then you can also play snake game with help of arrow keys. If you know any other youtube keyboard shortcuts then tell us.

Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 With Genuine Activation Key

14 Sep

Get 90 Days Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 Subscription

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 offers a number of new and improved features together with unique protection technologies to address the latest online threats. Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 is priced at $39 for Single user – 1 Year Subscription. But if you want to give it a try for 90 days free, follow the steps below to grab free Kaspersky Antivirus 2012.

Genuine Key:- NUS4T-GKF2R-17SCB-4CKPN

 Note that this is a genuine license key and will last 90 days after you install the product and activate it using the license key I mentioned above. After 90 days, you can continue to use the product by purchasing it from the official source if you’re really impressed by the Kaspersky product.

Please share the post with your friends and family if it works for you.


14 Sep

Hey friends, today i am going to share a hack tool that will help you to hide you identity online so that you can surf online anonymously without getting monitored. Do you actually know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website?  How you will feel when you come to know that some neighbour is monitoring your home every time? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Now as hacker you will never wish that somebody monitor you. So i got a tool called Super Hide IP that will not only hide your identity online but also help you to block the monitoring by computer tracing cookies.

Super Hide IP allows users to surf online anonymously, keeping your Identity and IP address hidden from the third party, protect your personal information against hackers and security administrators and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button.

Benefits and Key Features of Super Hide IP 

  1. Anonymous Web Surfing Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet. 
  2. Protect Your Identity Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information. * Choose IP Country You can select to use fake IP from different countries via “Choose IP Country” option and can Check IP directly. 
  3. Send Anonymous E-mails Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail. 
  4. Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you. 

Download Super Hide IP 

So friends, surf online safely and anonymously without being watched by any third person. As your privacy is yours and no body has any right to violate that.


Check Username Availability on More than 80 Websites

14 Sep

With wide explosion in the reach-ability of Internet, the numbers of user has increased exponentially and so the number of websites.If you are an Internet freak and has been already registered on popular website you might know how difficult it is to find a common username for all websites.You can find usernamea  available in one website but on another it may be already taken.This results in remembering different usernames for different websites (or in making of a spreadsheet to keep record).
Now you can troubleshoot this problem by checking availability of  username on most popular 80 websites simultaneously.

Check Username Availability on More than 80 sites:

1.Go to NameChk website.
2.In the text field type the username that you want to set and click on CHK button.
3,Now the list will be displayed on which site the username is available and taken.

This tool is very helpful for those who often make their accounts online for promoting their brand or website.

Open Multiple File Formats (75+) With Single Software

14 Sep

Is your Computer running too slow due to large number of applications which are installed.If you install  a specific software for each file format you will end up with a lot of bloatware.It is a pain for a lot of users to install different softwares for different file formats after installing a fresh copy of their OS.You can save yourself from this trouble by installing a freeware application that is capable of opening multiple file formats (75+ formats).
It can give a breath of life to those systems which have low memory.Moreover it can be a lifesaver if you don’t have an idea about how to open a particular file extension, Just give it a try with Free Opener.

Supported File Formats

Code Files (.vb, .c, .cs, .java, .js, .php, .sql, .css, .aspx, .asp)
Web Pages (.htm, .html)
Photoshop Documents (.psd)
Images (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff)
XML Files (.resx, .xml)
PowerPoint  Presentations (.ppt, .pptx, .pps)
Media (.avi, .flv, .mid, .mkv, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .mov, .wav, .wmv, .3gp, .flac)
Microsoft  Word Documents (.doc, .docx)
SRT Subtitles (.srt)
RAW Images (.arw, .cf2, .cr2, .crw, .dng, .erf, .mef, .mrw, .nef, .orf, .pef, .raf, .raw, .sr2, .x3f)
Icons (.ico)
Open XML Paper (.xps)
ML Paper (.xps)
Torrent (.torrent)
Flash Animation (.swf)
Archives (.7z, .gz, .jar, .rar, .tar, .tgz, .zip)
Rich Text Format (.rtf)
Text Files (.bat, .cfg, .ini, .log, .reg, .txt)
Apple Pages (.pages)
Microsoft Excel Documents (.xls, .xlsm, .xlsx)
Comma-Delimited (.csv)
Outlook Messages (.msg)
PDF Documents (.pdf)
vCard Files (.vcf)
EML Files (.eml)

Click to download Free Opener


10 Sep

Have you ever desired to Secure  files in your phone? If yes,there here is very exciting remedy for you to cover up files in your cellphone and youdont even need any application for that.

This technique can be used for any JAVA cellphone from Htc,Samsung,Motorola,LG or any other organization.


  • Create any new folder or you can use any existing folder that is to be hidden.
  • Rename the folder to any name but with the extension of .jad like if I want to hide my images folder then I will name it as IMG.jad
  • Now create a new folder with the same name in the same directory but with the extension of.jar So, I would create the folder with the name IMG.jar

And thats it!! My orignal images folder which has been renamed with .jad gets hidden and only folder with.jar extension is visible which is empty.So,my data is protected/hidden from unwanted eyes.

To unhide the orignal folder you have to remove the .jar extension from the new folder and your orignal folder with all the files and with .jad will become visible.

| DarkComet RAT | Tutorial | Hack PC |

7 Sep
In following tutorial we will cover how to use DarkComet Remote Administration Tool. If you regular reader to Devil’s Blog then you might be knowing we have already covered Cerberus RAT client in The RAT Remote Administration Tool then why we are covering another RAT client.
Following are 4 good reasons for that.

  • Many people think that DarkComet is best RAT client and they don’t prefer any other RAT client than DarkComet.(not my personal view)
  • Few days ago we covered Denial Of Service and Types Of DoS Attacks soon we will cover tools that can be used for DoS attack and DarkComet is one of those tools that can be used for launching a successful DDoS attack.
  • Search engines are dropping visitors searching for Dark Comet tutorial on Cerberus tutorial, not good na, better give them what they are searching for.
  • Its always better if you know how to handle more than one tool.

Enough talk lets move on to tutorial. Download DarkComet RAT 2.2 from their official website. You might ask why 2.2 when 3.2 is available. 3.2 is unstable and needs some bug fixes better opt 2.2. After download extract zip file and double click on RAT client, accept EULA and you will be presented with following screen.

Main Window

Now click on edit server.

Server Editor

Server Session:

If you have already created any RAT server before then Darkcomet stores an INI file with all settings saved in it. So if you want to create another server with same settings open that file here and create server.

Main Settings

Mutex String:

  • Our RAT client will run in process space of another process to remain stealthy. This string helps differentiate RAT that some another process is holding our data for hiding. Must be specified for proper functioning of RAT client, you can give it any name you want or just press random to get random name.

Server ID:

  • This name will appear on server list when your victim will execute your server. Helps in differentiating different servers so better use new name for new server.
  • Lastly always preserve connection with good user-name and password.

Connection Settings

  • Specify your IP address in IP address field if you have static IP or use Dynamic DNS if your IP address is not static. To know more about Dynamic DNS IP read Use Dynamic IP As Static IP. Now specify port number you want to listen and press “Add This Range In IP/port list”. For testing purpose you can use that is loop back IP and port 8080 I.e http proxy port.

Server Startup

  • Here you can specify where your sever will get installed in victim’s PC and you can also specify in which process you wish to hide you server. A good choice for process is svchost.exe, melt server option will delete server file as soon as server gets installed. Other options includes adding registry keys, use them if you want but it works fine without any key. Don’t forget to enable option of “Start Server ON Startup”.

Server Shield

Server Shield provides server with file attributes and folder attributes for installation and basic fun options to harass victim. I would better advise not to use them because it will alarm user about presence of your RAT server.

Offline Key Logger

  • Activate offline key-logger so that key-logger should log files even though you are offline. If you want server to send log files to your ftp server rather than accumulating in victim PC, specify credentials required for your ftp server. If you don’t have ftp server, you can search for “free ftp service” on Google and you will get heap of them or you can try out it offers free-web-hosting plus free ftp service. Good for practice.

Anti VirtualBox

Anti Virtual Box settings allow RAT client to disallow server execution in virtual environment. But since you will be practicing it in virtual environment don’t touch this option. To know how to setup your virtual lab read Basic Lab Setup For Hacker. Next is icon setting use some good custom icon so that your victim should not feel suspicious about RAT server.

File Binder

Select file you want to bind with RAT server, binding with another file make RAT server remain in stealth mode and get executed with legitimate file thus avoiding detection.

Generate Server

  • Now select all options and generate server.


  • Now close server edit window and press listen, specify port number 8080 and then execute your RAT server.

Listening On Port 8080

  • Now right click on listening port and select “Open Control Center”, play with available options.

Control Center

Actually you are not in need of any remote PC to practice, if you have set your virtual environment then follow above steps in virtual environment with IP address and port number 8080, if your firewall shouts ask it to allow connection. With this setting you will not even need internet connection to see results while practicing. This will help those who have computers at home but for Internet connection they have to depend on college, schools and cafes. Please ask if you have any difficulty or query. Thanks for reading, keep visiting.

Want To Download Darkcomet RAT

Download Darkcomet RAT Click Here

How to Make Invisible Password Protected Folder?

7 Sep

Do you want to password protect your folder? Do you want to make it invisible so that it remains unnoticed by the normal users? Well here is a way to do that. In this post I will show you how to make a password protected folder in Windows without using any additional software. Here is is step by step procedure to create a password protected folder.

How to create a Password Protected Folder?

  • Step-1: Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it as ABC.
  • Step-2: Now in this folder place all the important files, documents or any folders that you want to password protect.
  • Step-3: Now Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the option Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder.
  • Step-4: Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.
  • Step-5: Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.
  • Step-6: Now goto the File menu and select the option Add a password. ie: File -> Add a password

Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened. Thus you have now created the password protected folder.

How to make it Invisible?

  • Step-1: Now Right-click on this password protected folder and select Properties.
  • Step-2: At the bottom select the option Hidden and press OK. Now your folder gets invisible (hidden).
  • Step-3: In order to unhide this folder go to My Computer – >Tools -> Folder options. Switch to View tab, scroll down and under Hidden files and folders you’ll see the following two options
  • Do not show hidden files and folders
  • Show hidden files and folders

Now select the second option and press OK. Now the invisible folder becomes visible in it’s location. To access it you need the password. To make it invisible again repeat step -1 through step-3 and select the first option and click OK. Now the folder becomes invisible once again.

Remove Recycle Bin on your Desktop

7 Sep

Here is a way to remove the recycle bin from your desktop. This trick help’s people who want to get rid of the recycle bin on the desktop.

  • Goto start, Run, Type “gpedit.msc” (Type without quotes)
  • On the left panel, under User Configuration expand the tree Administrative templates
  • Click on the subtree desktop (single click, do not expand it)
  • On the right panel, Select the option-Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop properties
  • Double click the option, on the settings tab just select the option enabled, press OK & exit the window.
  • Refesh the desktop (press F5), Your Recycle Bin vanishous. If not you need to logout and then re-login.


This Trick Works On Win XP, Vista and Win 7